Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Exciting new musiccccc

Music I'm looking forward to:

Eric Hutchinson - Moving Up, Living Down, set to release this fall. "The People I Know" is a single from the album, and I really like it. He's also one of the best live performers I've had the pleasure of seeing.

Mika - The Origin of Love, set to release in 2012 (whyyyy is it not sooner!). Quote from Wikipedia: "Mika has said in numerous interviews that he will include a number of French tracks on the album. He has also said that '(The album is) quite weird. It's a little crazy, it's like a mix of Daft Punk and Fleetwood Mac'. His new single, "Elle Me Dit," is amazing. HOOOOLY CRAP. It makes me want to dance. And I never dance. If Mika has a local show I am most definitely going.

The A Fine Frenzy album that will supposedly be released this fall. I know very little about it, but I'm sure it will be as beautiful as her past two albums.

The Coldplay album. Their music is always both widely appealing and good quality, which is difficult.

The Jason Mraz album, also set to release soon. About time, too, since WS.WD.WST. came out more than three years ago. Need some new Mraz in my life!

Speaking of musicians with really old latest albums - I just found out that Weird Al Yankovic released his newest album since Straight Outta Lynwood in 2006! It's called Alpocalypse and I can't wait to hear it.

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