Friday, July 15, 2011

Concert notes

Went to a Neon Trees concert recently. It was an outdoor park concert, and I ended up perched precariously on the sloped roots of a nearby tree to get an extra 6 inches of height. Note to short people: if you forgot to wear wedges to a concert in a park, stand on or in a tree. Or wear heels if you don't mind sinking into the grass every few steps.

Anyway, here are a few things I observed from my arborous home base:
--Smoke everywhere. weed, cigarettes, pipes, you name it.
--Crowd-surfing. The population density of the mosh pit was more than enough for this.
--Obnoxious and/or drunk teens. or pre-teens. Is it an unforgivable sign of aging that I can't tell them apart anymore? and there are behaviors I can identify as what people my age did when I was younger. I do hope we weren't this annoying and excessively-decorated when we were their age; see below.
--Really tacky eye makeup
--Hair feather things
--Those circles that make your earlobe piercing like 1cm in diameter.
--Tattoos. The girl I was standing next to had a pretty cool butterfly tattoo across her foot.
--PDA (i.e. pre-teens making out) and PDAs (i.e. Blackberries)
--Hipster mullets and true mullets. Also, hipster half mohawks.
--Ray-Ban wayfarers
--Corporate hipsters. My life aspiration. Perhaps a more accurate moniker would be "yuppies"? (identifiable as wayfarers with bright button-down shirt tucked into slacks for guys, and pencil skirt with Longchamp for girls. btw, I am terrible at describing things.)
--This pair of sweet espadrilles. Snapped a picture. I will cherish it forever.
--A grey Chloe Paraty. I suspect it was a real one, but I can't be sure. Those things are dang expensive, but that girl looked like she meant business. I honestly never understood their appeal until now. It was absolutely gorgeous.
--An Asian-gangster DO doppelganger. Not kidding.

How were the Neon Trees? Pretty much phenomenal. (The crowd, as described above, was questionable. Also, there were so many people crammed in that tiny park that the organizers had to tell everyone to take a few steps four times, because the people in the front couldn't breathe.) Tyler Glenn has a unique voice and a good sense of pitch when he sings live, which I don't think is asking for much, but it's so hard to come by these days. Props, man! Plus, they opened with Your Surrender, my newest craze. I don't know why they didn't end with Animal though; it was their second-to-last song. Note to bands: if you have many relatively unknown songs with a few hits, no one will stay after they hear those particular songs. Sad, but true. People were pouring out before the show ended because they already heard all the songs they knew.

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