Monday, August 15, 2011

Right Now...

Some random thoughts:

1. Watched The Godfather yesterday, and it was life changing. It was scary, but not in a horror film way. Like, I dislike the abundance of guns in the movie, but I won't get irrational fears of being shot in my sleep (because I am not a drug dealer, nor have I antagonized a Mafioso). It built up the suspense very artfully. Also, Al Pacino looked like a young Dustin Hoffman, à la The Graduate - but I feel that this is one of those things that other people wouldn't get.

2. Just started watching An Affair to Remember. I think I'm watching too many movies. Nahhh...

3. Speaking of excess, raspberry honey almonds are so good. Someone saw a bag of them in my room and thought they were crack rocks. They do look similar, and they have the same addicting qualities. I blame them for the sore molar in my mouth.

4. Just got a Kindle 3 and am soooo excited!!! Even though the Kindle 4 is probably going to come out in a month and is one of the most hyped up things ever. It's too late for me though. The Kindle 3 ain't nothin bad.

5. Haha the labels for this post: books, food, movies, random. Story of my life. Well, minus the clothes, bags, music, and school. So no, not really the story of my life.

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