Tuesday, August 23, 2011


I think it's funny how west coast-ers think it's funny that east coast-ers are flipping out over their earthquake. If I remember correctly, the Bay Area has only had one earthquake in the last ten or so years that was of any significant magnitude. Even Wikipedia says that that earthquake was the biggest since Loma Prieta, and it was only a 5.6. This Virginia earthquake was 5.8! If that happened here, folks would probably also be flipping out, if only to reaffirm their belief that California is, indeed, earthquake territory. Even though Loma Prieta was 22 years ago. Face it - we're old. Earthquakes aren't as common here as we say they are.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Right Now...

Some random thoughts:

1. Watched The Godfather yesterday, and it was life changing. It was scary, but not in a horror film way. Like, I dislike the abundance of guns in the movie, but I won't get irrational fears of being shot in my sleep (because I am not a drug dealer, nor have I antagonized a Mafioso). It built up the suspense very artfully. Also, Al Pacino looked like a young Dustin Hoffman, à la The Graduate - but I feel that this is one of those things that other people wouldn't get.

2. Just started watching An Affair to Remember. I think I'm watching too many movies. Nahhh...

3. Speaking of excess, raspberry honey almonds are so good. Someone saw a bag of them in my room and thought they were crack rocks. They do look similar, and they have the same addicting qualities. I blame them for the sore molar in my mouth.

4. Just got a Kindle 3 and am soooo excited!!! Even though the Kindle 4 is probably going to come out in a month and is one of the most hyped up things ever. It's too late for me though. The Kindle 3 ain't nothin bad.

5. Haha the labels for this post: books, food, movies, random. Story of my life. Well, minus the clothes, bags, music, and school. So no, not really the story of my life.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Latest music video obsessions

Sense a trend?

The Llama Song. Got the lyrics down.

The Duck Song. Next on my to-do list: play this on guitar.

Two observations:
2) The duck waddles past a nuclear power plant...
Bum bum bum bum bum ba bum :)

And of course, the classic: Baby Monkey (Going Backwards On A Pig).